MoLo’s message from day one has always been about service. These past couple of months have pushed MoLo and its employees to show what that means. In an article published by FreightWaves, our CEO, Andrew Silver describes what it means to be MoLo during a challenging freight market.
The MoLo Solutions team is excited, proud, and grateful to be recognized for the work we’re doing to take care of our customers in such a challenging freight environment.
Driven by passion.
The company hasn’t been shy about its service-at-all-costs philosophy and what it’s willing to do to take care of its customers. MoLo’s executives have wagered the future of the company on their belief that shippers will ultimately reward loyalty and honesty.
Driven to deliver.
“If you can consistently deliver a level of service above and beyond the expectations set, you can not only grow, but you can grow profitably,” Silver said in a Zoom interview. In a companywide meeting with his team, he put it differently: “Today, we’re watching our competitors count their margin dollars. Tomorrow, they will watch us move their loads.”
Driven to do better.
“We think we can change the way shippers look at freight brokers,” Silver said. “We don’t think it’ll be easy and we know it’ll take years to achieve. Building a reputation doesn’t happen overnight, especially if it’s a reputation of excellence. Over time, we believe the loyalty we’ll build with our people, our drivers and our shippers will yield profitable results. We will never be the most profitable brokerage in the market on a per-load basis — it’s just not possible if you always service the freight. However, we can have healthy profits and own a massive piece of market share. Maybe all of it one day, if we do this right.”